Language, Culture and Mind VI – cfp

6th International Conference on Language, Culture and Mind

Inside/Out: Practice and Representation

will be held in Lublin, at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
24-26 June 2014

The Language, Culture and Mind conference series…

…aims at establishing an interdisciplinary forum for an integration of cognitive, social and cultural perspectives in theoretical and empirical studies of language and communication. The conference series articulate and discuss approaches to human natural language and to diverse genres of language activity which aim to integrate its cultural, social, cognitive and bodily foundations. We call for contributions from scholars and scientists in anthropology, biology, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, semiotics, semantics, discourse analysis, cognitive and neuroscience, who wish both to impart their insights and findings, and learn from other disciplines.

The conference will be preceded by a satellite event:  Young Researchers Workshop on 23 June 2014 (same venue), where young researchers will present their ongoing dissertation projects and other work.

Plenary Speakers:
Nancy Budwig (Clark University, Psychology)
Henryk Kardela (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Linguistics)
Alan Rumsey (Australian National University,School of Culture, History & Language)
Farzad Sharifian (Monash University, Language and Society Centre)
Beata Stawarska (University of Oregon, Philosophy)

Deadline for abstract submission: 31 Dec 2013
Details:LCM VI website;
Contact: Piotr Konderak, info[-at-]

Read full Call for paperspdf32

Young Researchers Workshop @ LCM VI – cfp

Young Researchers Workshop (YRW@LCM6)

a satellite event of the
6th International Conference on Language, Culture and Mind

will be held in Lublin, at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University
23 June 2014

The LCM VI Young Researchers Workshop is a satellite event of the LCM VI conference, aimed at graduate students and junior scholars conducting theoretical or empirical research in language and communication including, but not limited to cognitive, social, affective, embodied and/or cultural perspectives. The workshop aims at providing a forum for presenting results and foster interaction and debate in the context of interdisciplinary collaboration.
Young researchers in anthropology, biology, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, semiotics, semantics, discourse analysis, cognitive and neuroscience are invited to share, and thereby enrich, their study of human natural language and communication. A specialist’s comment on each accepted contribution makes the workshop a unique opportunity to receive expert feedback.

Deadline for abstract submission: 31 Dec 2013
Details:LCM VI website;
Contact: Roberto Bottini:

Read full Call for paperspdf32

Zajęcia „pozakierunkowe”

Szanowni Państwo, studenci II roku kognitywistyki

no mocy ustaleń z Panią Prodziekan Wydziału Pedagogiki i Psychologii informuję Państwa, że:

  • możecie Państwo uczestniczyć w dowolnie wybranych zajęciach na Wydziale PiP (fakultety, kursy obowiązkowe),
  • jeżeli Państwa uczestnictwo nie skutkuje powstaniem nowych grup zajęciowych – wystarczy pismo skierowane do Dziekana Wydziału Pedagogiki i Psychologii,
  • gdyby chętnych na wybrany przedmiot było tak wiele, że powstałaby nowa grupa – wymagana będzie zgoda Dziekana Wydziału Filozofii i Socjologii (jako, że wtedy Wydział FiS musiałby pokryć koszty prowadzenia zajęć)

Po szczegółowe informacje zapraszam w godzinach konsultacji (czwartek, 11:10-12:40) lub dyżuru (piątek 9:45-11:00, p.104) lub proszę o kontakt e-mailowy.

Piotr Konderak